Technical Skills

  • Optics
    1. Alignment, test, and troubleshooting of optical systems.
    2. Design and fabrication of diffractive optics (grisms, immersion gratings) using silicon lithographic techniques
    3. Modeling of optical systems to simulate commissioning activities.
    4. Working knowledge of ZEMAX optical design software
    5. Deep understanding of polarized Stokes (IQUV) radiative transfer and interplay between light and magnetic fields
  • Metrology
    1. Design and execution of metrological campaigns to verify compliance with design specifications and acceptance criteria
    2. Characterization (transmission, AR coating, cryogenic robustness, blaze function, PSF) of diffractive optics (grism, VPH and immersion gratings)
  • Education
    1. Free-lance undergraduate physics and math tutor
    2. Development and presentation of lecture materials for a python for astronomers course at MPIA
    3. Development and presentation of lecture materials for yearly company-wide laser saftey briefings in official capacity as laser safety officer
  • Statistical Analysis
    1. Markov-Chain Monte Carlo to explore parameter spaces and covariances
    2. Principal Component Analysis
    3. Comparison of observations against theoretical models
  • Systems Engineering
    1. Development of design requirements
    2. Development of test suites to check compliance
    3. Tests of system performance to verify compliance
    4. Coordination of software development between internal and external software developers
  • Computer Programming
    1. Proficieny in many programming langages (Python, FORTRAN77, C++, MATLAB, IDL, R, MySQL)
    2. Experience algorithmically sifting through massive quantities (TB) of data
    3. Processing of raw data (images, spectra, time series) to extract information
    4. Development of software under externally defined standards
    5. Maintenance of legacy code (FORTRAN77), adding new functionality (MoogStokes) and interfacing with Python (MoogPy)
    6. Development of Labview, RS232, custom python drivers (pyGTA)